At Paragon we are proud to provide training at all levels of local government, regularly conducting governance and skills training with elected officials, and skills and development for both management and front line staff.
These trainings are recognized as relevant, enjoyable, and lead to individual and corporate change.
Timing – We believe that developing leaders early in their careers and providing opportunities to practice those skills is critical to help build a productive organization.
Alignment – Unique to our approach is a common message in our discussions with elected officials, senior management and frontline staff to ensure that there’s alignment and a common language throughout the organization.
Delivery – Live trainings for elected and staff are a key focus for us, and we are really excited to announce the implementation of our new blended learning platform, which combines “elearning” and live facilitation to maximize content comprehension, as well as supporting the ever-growing “community of practice” in local governments.
Webinar Partnerships – We are entering our 8th year as a partner with the Local Government Management Association in BC in the development and delivery of their web-based professional development.
Training topics
The following can be offered as stand-alone trainings, but also form the modules in our leadership and management development programs, as well as our emerging leaders program.